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The best way to get involved is to pray.  Just let us know when you're praying, and for what school.

Share the movement:  Let your friends know about The Few, post about it on social media, talk to your pastor, or whatever way you have.  Word of mouth is the best way for a movement to spread.

Lead for your school: Do you want to see your school and all the people in it changed forever?  Are you not satisfied with rushing through school to get to your "real" life?  Then bring prayer to your school.  We are in need of people passionate enough to want to see a 24/7 prayer covering over their school.  We can't do it alone.  Email us for more information.
Get a group together:  The title speaks for itself.  Get some friends together and find an hour that works best for everyone.  Come together and pray for change.  For more information about starting a group, go here
Youth Groups: We're looking to partner with youth groups.  We are about praying for change and restoration for this generation, yes.  But also we're about cultivating a culture of prayer within the Church.  If you are a youth pastor, email us at for more information.  If you are a student in a youth group, you can give our email to your youth pastor for him to email us.





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